1What is Wild-Simulated Ginseng?


Ginseng cultivated in nature replicating the growing conditions of wild ginseng as closely as possible, without using shades or any artificial facilities.

Wild-simulated ginseng is a forest product grown in natural conditions without using pesticides or fertilizers and it is a ‘Specially Managed Forest Product’ managed in accordance with the Forestry and Mountain Villages Development Promotion Act.

산양삼 Wild-Simulated Ginseng (mountain-cultivated)
인삼 Ginseng (field-cultivated)
장뇌삼, 산양산삼, 산양삼 등의 이름으로 불렸는데 산림청에서 산양삼으로 통일 It has been referred to as Jangnoesam, Mountain-Cultivated Wild Ginseng and Wild-Simulated Ginseng but Korea Forest Service has combined them and made wild-simulated ginseng the official term.